Women’s Health

Love the YOU, you are!

We are not all the same

Cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, depression, stress, anxiety, sexuality, among others; can exhibit differently between males and females, AND differently between females of various ages and stages of life.

Dr. Lisa, Doctor of Pharmacy, is someone you can speak openly and honestly with about your health concerns. Through a detailed interview and discussion, a customized plan for better health will be tailored to suit your needs and objectives.

Chronic Illness

If you identify as a woman or were born female, you will have health objectives and concerns that are uniquely yours. Yes, the female body has some areas of special concern – that we all share- like breast and vulva health. From birth to death, our female parts will serve us and alert us to health issues.

Having a female body

Book a consultation today

Want to dive deeper into understanding and caring for you heath?