Pain Management

The trouble with chronic pain

When pain signals remain active in the nervous system for longer than six months and persists after the initial injury has healed, then it is referred to as chronic pain. There is another layer when experiencing chronic pain known as central sensitization. This is an increased responsiveness of the nervous system that results in hypersensitivity and an increased pain response outside the area of injury. Pain itself can produce systematic and chemical brain changes resulting in more pain from fewer stimuli.

How are you feeling?


Are you tired of ongoing pain?


Have you tried everything and are ready to give up?


Are you using high dose narcotics to manage pain, but would like to try something natural?


Is your pain well managed but you are suffering from uncomfortable side effects?

Let’s find solutions together

If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions, then a ONE hour session with Dr. Lisa, Doctor of Pharmacy, can be the analgesic you need.

  • As a Doctor of Pharmacy, Dr. Lisa can review the pros and cons to using prescribed narcotics for chronic pain, as well as provide alternatives to improve your quality of life.

  • There are many, many “miracles” for pain relief, Dr. Lisa, Doctor of Pharmacy, can give you reasons behind which natural alternatives that may work, and which ones likely won’t.

  • Pain management is paramount, but not without difficult side effects, namely constipation and drowsiness. Dr. Lisa, Doctor of Pharmacy, can give ideas to mitigate any side effects that maybe bothersome for you.

  • A printed plan of action will be provided as well as ongoing support as needed.

  • You will receive an official medical receipt that can be used for private insurance or as a medical expense on your income tax return.

Book a consultation today

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